Daycare locations
HappyKids offers daycare on various locations througout Haarlemmermeer. Daycare is for children 0-4 years old.
A paradise for your child
A friendly baby area, but also a stimulating play area for toddlers, and much more. That is what you will find at our locations! All of our locations have large outdoor play areas and separate bedrooms for each agegroup. Every location has it's own character. Your child will love to play here and explore!
HappyKids has SPW3 of higher qualified staff on each location. All employees are trained annually on several subjects. And all locations offer activities form the develeopmental program "Uk en Puk". And all of our teachers are offered first aid training.
Pedagogical policy
Our pedagogical policy describes how our employees act. You can find the policy here on the website. The pedagogical principles that give direction to our pedagogical policy are:
Physical and emotional safety and well-being: A safe and healthy environment is ensured. All children feel welcome and have a relationship of trust with one or more pedagogical staff. The children also feel familiar with and safe among the other children in the group.
Children learn playfully and actively in relation to their environment: their parents, pedagogical staff, their playmates and the physical environment. Children do not passively take what adults suggest. They learn by playing, doing, trying out, watching, imitating, participating and clues.
Holistic approach: The upbringing is balanced on all aspects of development; emotional, social, cognitive, creative motor and moral development. We look at the total picture!
Respect for diversity: Pedagogical staff respect diversity (differences between people) and show this through their behaviour. Children are taught to deal positively with differences related to age, sex, disabilities or socio-cultural background.
Connection with primary school: Educators connect with the child's development and help the child to develop the competencies he or she needs in the next phase, in primary school.
The four basic pedagogical goals of HappyKids:
On the groups:
- Dealing with children in a sensitive and responsive way, showing respect for children's autonomy and setting boundaries and providing structure for children's behaviour so that children can feel emotionally safe and secure;
- Children are playfully challenged in the development of their motor skills, cognitive skills, language skills and creative skills, in order to enable children to function increasingly independently in a changing environment;
Children are guided in their interactions, playfully teaching them social knowledge and skills, in order to enable children to build and maintain increasingly independent relationships with others
- Children are encouraged to get acquainted in an open way with the generally accepted values and norms in society with a view to respectful interaction with others and active participation in society.
We offer the following agegroups:
"Babygroep" (2-15 months)
One pedagogic employees take care of 3 baby's each with a maximum of 12 baby's in one group.
In our light and spacious baby areas, all is arranged for baby's to have a great day by discovering and exploring the world! We offer daycare for baby's aged 6 weeks and older. We have a maximum of 3 children for each professional carer. We make sure that there's lots of contact between your little one and the professionals. We chat to our babies all day long! For example, our professionals will help your child to explain the emotions that they see; "you like that!" or "you are tired.." And also they will name all objects and body parts so that your baby will to expand his or her vocabulary fast. Did you know, that the IQ of a child that has been offered a lot of lanquage in the first three years of his life, is higher than that of children that haven't been offered that much language? Next to the lanquage development, als, we stimulate the motor skills by giving the opportunity to move , crawl, climb and pull up a lot. Our professionals will, for example, put a toy just out of reach of your child to stimulate movement. When your child is almost one year old, there will be an interset in playing next to other children the same age, and observing the other child. By doing so, your child will learn a lot about social behaviour, emotions, and communication. Therefore, or professionals will stimulate playing next to each other at this age.
"Dreumesgroep" (12-30 months)
One pedagogic employees take care of 6 children each with a maximum of 16 children in one group.
At our dreumesgroup, there is a buzzing atmosphere! These little ones are very busy exploring the world apund them and they do so with all their senses! What seems chaotic at times, is actually hard work lo tern and discover new things! Throwing toys in a basket and taking them out again just to start over, of walking around endlessly while dragging a toy along; all activities bring new information to the child and learn them about materials, weight, cause and consequense, social behaviour, and so much more. By offering short group activities, our professionals lay the foundation for learning later on. At this age, children develop a sense of their own will. That is why they say "no! " so often! Our professionals will therefore offer options as much as possible. And they allow the exlorational behaviour as long as there is no danger or harm to others involved.
"Peutergroep" (30-48 months)
One pedagogic employees take care of 8 children each with a maximum of 16 children in one group.
Some locations have vertical groups. Children 0-4 are all in one group. Depending on the ages, the maximum number of children is determined.
Toddlers will show a true explosion in their vocabulary! Therefore, the love to chat. And ask lots of questions! A lot of activities we offer are developed around language. We read stories, we sing, we do roleplay, we offer games. Our professionals will join in on the fun and follow the fantasy of your child. By offering small suggestions, they can stimulate the play to a higher level of educational value. For example, by offering extra materials, by setting an example for communication and playing together, of by introducing another child. At all our toddler groups, we offer the method "Uk en Puk" , which provides activities for the group, for smaller groups and individual activities, all around a certain theme.
"Peutergroep" (30-48 months) including the preschool program (VE)
Several locations offer the subsidized preschool program.
In addition to regular placements, children with a VE indication from the JGZ can also be placed here.
The groups are largely the same as the other playgroups, but a tutor is available for children with a VE indication.
The children are placed in these groups for a whole day, with the morning reserved for specific VE activities.
Toddler care is also offered at these locations on the VE groups with a subsidy, for parents who are not entitled to childcare allowance.
Please note: there is limited availability for the subsidized places, both VE and playgroup.
For more information, please contact Darja,
Daycare opening hours (2024)
The daycare is open 52 weeks a year, all day long from 7:30 AM to 6:30 PM.
There are a number of national holidays on which the shelter is closed and for which the hours are legally part of the agreement. If you are entitled to childcare allowance, you will therefore also receive childcare allowance for these holidays.
These holidays are;
New Year's Day
Easter Monday
From 2010, once every five years on May 5
Ascension Day Whit Monday
Christmas Day and Boxing Day
Additional childcare hours outside your agreement are also eligible for childcare allowance.